Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Coaches for President

Now that celebrity politicians such as Jesse Ventura and Arnold Scharzenegger have permanantly lowered the bar, thus opening the door for anyone from Tony Danza to Queen Latifah and whoever else wants to serve. The real fear is Coach Presidents!

Bill Parcells

This professional prick would trounce either Hillary Clinton or whoever the Republicans nominate head to head. He has enough sociopathic tendencies that pass as character:

He's tough minded
Refuses to back down
And knows how to make people like him as he humiliates them.

He'd be the first president to resign then pout until he is asked to be president again. "It Doesn't work that way Bill."

"I don't give a shit about the constitution. How many rings does George Washington have".

Plus he can intimidate the media.

Phil Jackson

He comes off as a liberal hippie who'd be soft on defense, but do you ever notice that when he's mad he looks like Stalin.

"Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas. "

Mike Ditka

Come on, you know a lot of guys would vote for him. Who ever runs against him would have to use his Saints years as there Swift Vote.

John Madden

May be a little old. But when he looks at all of the time George W. Bush spends in Crawford Texas his inherent laziness may convince him that he can do the job.

"The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break. "

"Hey kid, get me a hot dog!"

Joe Torre

Has the temperment and the rings, but is America ready for a president that looks like Fred Flintstone?

"YabaDaba Doo!"

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